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Showing posts from May, 2019

A Credulous girlfriend

Girl friends play a major role in boys life and mine too have major part in my life. As u reading a biker post you might definitely guess that the story about his girlfriend is going to be based on bike....right....its based on bike. She is Credulous! It was a one of the parched day, as usual i'am lending bike to hang out with college friends.The spot is beach,200cc engine with a long road is a deadly combo so think about my friend in my back seat  in that speedway.He screamed a lot and asked me to shut the ride and go slow, i weirdly interrogated him why dude?. That reply pierced my heart,brain every parts of me..the reply was "Dude i can't loose my life with you here,what will happen if you put me down,thus go slow" . This is cruel right he didn't cared about my life instead he had view about his life only. After all fun and joy ends its time to get back home so i demand my best friend(girl) to take my back seat for a short ride..hurray..she accepted